Data quality

Reliable data for making confident decisions

Our commitment to agility will never jeopardize the quality of the data we deliver because we closely monitor who answers your questions.

Cadeado 3D representando a segurança na MindMiners

Real people, with the profile that matters to your brand

We provide a faithful and representative sample of your audience, based on socio-demographic characteristics defined by you.

Fast results, quality assured

Our panel of respondents will ensure that the answers for your projects arrive in record time thanks to the engagement of our users, without compromising on quality.

Constant monitoring of respondents

We closely monitor our more than 5 million panel users, analyzing how they behave and how they respond to our surveys.

Assured quality data for your surveys

Our technology and data science team works to ensure that all our panel respondents, and the answers they provide, are thoroughly verified.

User validation

We guarantee the uniqueness and veracity of the users of our panel through the validation of registratio emails, two-factor authentication for login, verification of identity with competent agencies, and monitoring of accounts accessed by device.

Profile integrity

We regularly update the demographic and behavioral information that determines the profile of our users and that is used as attributes for segmenting respondents for surveys.

Quality of answers

We monitor atypical behavior. We immediately discard and replace answers that are inconsistent, that do not comply with the questionnaire instructions, or that have been submitted at an abnormal speed. We also included Attention Questions after the questionnaires, to identify users who are truly attentive and committed to the research.

Controlled environment

MeSeems offers a controlled environment with regard to the exposure of images and videos of proprietary applications, thus preventing sharing of questionnaires sensitive content.

Confidentiality of responses

Inhibition of print screens on device screens, geolocation trackng, and analysis of image metadata. Our platforms also undergo frequent security tests, such as recurrent PENTEST, vulnerability scans and internet domain SCORE management.

IAB seal

MindMiners is a company associated with the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) that promotes the adoption of technical standards and good practices in planning, creating, buying, selling, broadcasting and measuring in the most diverse activities carried out by the digital economy

Information security is a priority

We are committed to ensuring the privacy and ongoing protection of all personal data collected on our platform, regardless of its sensitivity. To this end, we implement technical and administrative measures in full compliance with Brazil's General Data Protection Law (LGPD).

Data processing

The process of processing personal data collected in our research respects the principles and guarantees established in the LGPD. “Privacy by Design by Default” processes are adopted, which guarantee privacy from the design of the projects and throughout the life cycle of this data within MindMiners.

Right of ownership

The rights of data subjects (respondents) are respected here. We guarantee the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure or restrict processing at any time through our panel, platform, and service channels described in the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.


All data collected from our respondents is aggregated and anonymized, ensuring that no individual identification is possible from their responses. In situations where the collection of sensitive data is necessary, we activate specific protocols that require the prior consent of the respondent. In addition, the personal data of our panel respondents is not shared with third parties.


All of the participants in our panel, the MeSeems, voluntarily agreed to participate in our surveys. Before finalizing their registration, they are required to go through a phase of reading and accepting our terms of use and privacy policy.


We have implemented robust measures to ensure the security and privacy protection of the data collected. This includes the use of advanced technologies and strict security practices to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of all data entrusted to us.

Do you have more questions about quality control and information security?

Speak directly with our Data Protection Officer.